May 28, 2009

The leadership challenges in Nigerian democracy: Equipping the youth

The Leadership Development for Positive Citizenship (LEADPOC) is an initiative of TUCCAN Foundation aimed at youth leaders from various institutions of higher learning and Youth Serving Organization (YSOs) to build the leadership capacity of young people who are catalysts for positive social change. The programme believes that helping young people realize their potential as development actors will create an enabling environment for youth to actively participate in the planning & implementation of development activities in their various communities thereby guarantying sustainability.

Those who can bring about freedom where it is absent and justice where it is denied are chiefly young people. Freedom and justice is a patient and often-difficult struggle that requires the strength, sacrifice, rigor and fortitude of young people to be attained. Often times the youth force retreat to dormancy and apathy for lack of perspective and coordination. In this frustration the youth force is hijacked and brought into conflict by belligerent, insurgent and other terrorist war lords either to resist possible democratic transition or to meet their deadly goals.

Youths are valuable tools to safeguard against violation of basic human rights and government excesses if youths could take up their responsibilities and play their role as political actors during and after the transition process of their infant democracies. Too long young people are judged as not being fit to participate in societal development because of dormancy and political apathy.

The May 2009 Module of LEADPOC will be focused on “Equipping the Youth Force to Combat Leadership Challenges in Nigeria

May 11, 2009

Leadership Development for Positive Citizenship (LEADPOC)- April 2009 Module

Leadership Development for Positive Citizenship (LEADPOC) is a monthly initiative of Communication Support Centre & TUCCAN Foundation aimed at youth leaders from various institutions of higher learning and Youth Serving Organization (YSOs) to build the leadership capacity of young people who are catalysts for positive social change. The programme believes that helping young people realize their potential as development actors will create an enabling environment for youth to actively participate in the planning & implementation of development activities in their various communities thereby guarantying sustainability.

Programme Objectives
o To build the capacity of youths for active and meaningful participation in community development
o To help youths develop plans for action in their various communities
o To develop in the youth the core values needed for good leadership
o To promote gender equity, youths-youths and youths-adults partnership for community development
o To inculcate in the youths the virtue of patriotism, good governance and democracy
o To identify motivational tools for an effective leadership delivery

The April 2009 module focused on Climate Change & Renewable Energy Awareness among the youth populace; and how young people can take leadership role in advocating for the reduction of green house gases; raise awareness as part of the global United Nations campaign ‘UNite to Combat Climate Change’ through the media, partners and other social networks and create a synergy with individuals and organizations, with the goal of tackling issues related to protection of the environment.